Well, the BYU Cougars are no longer undefeated for the football season. Find out more here. https://justinjenkins.info/2024/11/17/kansas-recap-2024/ Video
Wraith Updates
If you want a label maker, check out what I got from Amazon. Read more here https://www.iamgadgetguy.com/label-maker/
When flying back to SLC from Seatac, we flew home. You can find that blog post here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/plane-to-seattle-2024/ This post is the one I wrote for flying back. https://travelingwithjustin.com/the-plane-back-to-salt-lake-city-from-seattle/
The holy war was played on Nov. 9, 2024, and well, it was a good game, not a stolen game. Check out my review of the game here: https://justinjenkins.info/2024/11/10/utah-recap-2024/ Video
Check out the blog post https://travelingwithjustin.com/transportation-to-seatac-quantum-of-the-seas/, to see how we got back to SeaTac International Airport.
If you are wondering what I use to store a lot of my stuff, check out this blog: https://www.iamgadgetguy.com/new-cabinet/
If you want to know what I ate on the Quantum of the Seas, check this out: https://travelingwithjustin.com/quatumn-of-the-seas-what-i-ate/
Was the Wifi good on the ship? Well, read about it here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/wifi-on-the-quantum-of-the-seas/
If you are considering going on a cruise to Alaska in September, check this out. https://travelingwithjustin.com/weather-on-quantum-of-the-seas/
Big 12 Football standings as of Week 9. Check it out here: https://justinjenkins.info/2024/11/03/big-12-standings-so-far/