
I had a vision of having a business on my own for a long time. I had different names that I would call my so-called business adventure. Finally, after 30 years, I created my business. However, the following happened:

  • All the names I thought of (and I didn’t tell anyone) were already taken
  • All the website names were taken (Yea, I could have done anything besides .com) but didn’t want those as I am that way.
  • So I thought of something that is unique and can be remembered easily.

My love of Science fiction leads to the name of Wraith Enterprises. What is a Wraith you might ask?

Wraith is creatures from the Pegasus galaxy and they suck the life out of humans. Don’t worry I am not going to that. I don’t have the hands for that. You need something like this:

And I don’t have that.

However, that is not what Wraith Enterprises is all about. Wraith Enterprises is all about

Yes, doing the blogs as a separate business could be a way to go, but that would be double the work and double the expenses. So, I just formed Wraith Enterprises, and the blogs I enjoy doing fall under one company.

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