I’m on to Vegas now. Over on Traveling With Justin, I will be talking about Vegas. Check it out. https://travelingwithjustin.com/2024-vegas-trip/
Wraith Updates
Now that the St. George trip is all done and blogged about, I have a small review you can look at: https://travelingwithjustin.com/overview-of-st-george-2024-trip/
One place we ate in St. George, Utah, was the Biscuit Bus. Check out what I had to say about it: https://travelingwithjustin.com/the-biscuit-bus/ Video
I went to Costco on New Year’s Eve to do some shopping. Read all about it here.https://justinjenkins.info/2025/01/02/shopping-at-costco/ Video
Another year has come around, making you think of some New Year’s resolutions. Right. It is a great thing to do. So that is what I will be doing. Plan for 2025 Here at Wraith Enterprises, one of my resolutions is to grow the business. To grow the business, I […]
As I look outside, I see it isn’t snowing but raining, especially at this time of year. I wonder what December 25, 2024, means to the world. Christmas Today is the December 25, 2004, and that marks Christmas. Those who celebrate Christmas know its meaning—the birth of Christ in a […]
You can check out the blog about this here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/airbnb-in-st-george/ Affiliate Here is a link to Vrbo if you would like to click on it to book this: https://vrbo.com/affiliate/TrAuhCU Video
While in St. George, Utah, we watched our sons run across the finish line for the half-marathon. Check it out here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/conquering-the-st-george-half-marathon/ Video
While in St. George, I visited the Red Cliffs Temple from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can check it out here: https://churchofjesuschristtemples.org/red-cliffs-utah-temple/ Video
The last play was Jersey Boys, and it didn’t disappoint. Check it out here https://travelingwithjustin.com/the-story-behind-the-music-and-famejerseys-boys/