When flying back to SLC from Seatac, we flew home. You can find that blog post here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/plane-to-seattle-2024/ This post is the one I wrote for flying back. https://travelingwithjustin.com/the-plane-back-to-salt-lake-city-from-seattle/
If you want to know what I ate on the Quantum of the Seas, check this out: https://travelingwithjustin.com/quatumn-of-the-seas-what-i-ate/
Was the Wifi good on the ship? Well, read about it here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/wifi-on-the-quantum-of-the-seas/
If you are considering going on a cruise to Alaska in September, check this out. https://travelingwithjustin.com/weather-on-quantum-of-the-seas/
Did we see the Northern lights on our recent Alaska cruise in Sept.? Find out here: https://travelingwithjustin.com/northern-lights-quantum-of-the-seas/
If you are wondering what there is to do on the Quantum of the Seas, go and check out https://travelingwithjustin.com/entertainment-highlights-on-quantum-of-the-seas/. There is a lot of information.
There is a lot of entertainment on the ship. You can read more about it here. https://travelingwithjustin.com/entertainment-highlights-on-quantum-of-the-seas/
Talking about the buffet, Windjammer, on the Quantum of the Seas over on the travelingwithjustin.com. Check it out https://travelingwithjustin.com/windjammer-quantum/ Video
So, what is food included with your cruise fare when going on Quantum of the Seas? Find out here https://travelingwithjustin.com/free-food-quantum/
If you are looking for things to do on the Quantum of the Seas, you can check out this link: https://travelingwithjustin.com/things-to-do-quantum/ That post will have a PDF of the Crusie Compass with what happened every day.